Coil Tubing Equipment Package for Sale
No Longer Available - Sold at Auction
Email for more infoIncludes: 18 14 Total Units Remain
Multiple Coil Tubing Complete Trailers,
Dual Pump Trailers, Nitrogen Trailers,
Reel Trailers + More
Cost Over $15,000,000 New
Call to Inspect and Buy Today!!!
Located: San Antonio, Texas
Listing Details
Asset List
24 - 2008 TyCrop Tri-Axle Coil Tubing Trailer ; VIN: 2T9SASZC48D016323; 53,470kg GVWR, TYPE: TRA/REM INCOMPLETE VEHICLE, (NO REEL), TAG NUMBER: 6323
58 - 2007 Coil Tubing Unit ; VIN: 1W9FH48307E285761; on Wade WHT-48FT Tri-Axle Trailer, CVA Nitrogen Tank, 1,985-gallons, National 600E Jib Crane, S/N 293835, Johnson 12.5t Block, HydraRig HR635 INJECTOR, 2006, Operators Cab, Hose Reel, TAG NUMBER: CTU-10
59 - 2006 Coil Tubing Unit; on Tri-Axle Trailer, HydraRig HR635 INJECTOR, 2008, CVA Nitrogen Tank, National 600E Series Jib, S/N 291822, Johnson 12.5t Bock, Operators Cab, Hose Reel, VIN#: 362024, TAG NUMBER: 136
60 - 2012 Dual 700hp Triplex Pump trailer ; VIN: 1C9LB4632CK883599; with (2) Cummins QSX15 665 hp Diesel Engines, (2) Allison S6620M Transmissions with Eaton AT-1202 gear reducers, (2) Axon HD700 triplex pumps, (2) Mission Sandmaster size 6x5x11 hydraulic feed pumps, electric cooling fans, 2-Compartment Mixing Tank, with hydraulic mixers, operators station with canopy, (3) 150-gallon fuel tanks, Choice 350LB-BT Tri-Axle Trailer, 112,000 GVWR, 11R22.5 tires, TAG NUMBER: 3599
61 - 2011 Dual 600hp MSI Triplex Pump trailer; VIN: 1C9SC4029BM810872; with (2) QSX15 630hp Cummins Engines, (2) Allison 4700 OFS Transmissions, 2 - Compartment Mixing Tank (1) MSI/Kerr Triplex Pump and (1)MSI/Utex Triplex Pumps, PLUS ASST'D LIQUIDS, TAG NUMBER: 0872
SOLD 62 - 2011 Dual 600hp Total Triplex Pump trailer; VIN: 1M91P4627BA211352; with (2) Cummins QSX15, 665 hp Diesel Engines, (2) Allison S6620M Transmissions with Eaton AT-1202 gear reducers, Total Equip Pumps, 2015/2016, (2) Mission Sandmaster size 6x5x11 hydraulic feed pumps, electric cooling fans, 2-Compartment Mixing Tank, with hydraulic mixers, operators station with canopy, (2) 150-gallon fuel tanks, Mertz Tria-Axle Trailer, Model 5503041A, 80,000# GVWR, 11R22.5 tires, TAG NUMBER: 1352
63 - 2007 Total Equipment Model T-G-1040-2 Nitrogen Double Pump Trailer ; Serial Number: TE06052; with Tandem Axle Trailer, MSI Pump, CVA Nitrogen Tank, 2K-45-TM, 45-310 psi, 2,145 gallons, 2007, (2) CUMMINS QSX15 Diesel Engines, 520HP, Mission Sand Master Mixer, Operators Cab, Dual Fuel Tanks, VIN# 1D9BG442781609385, TAG NUMBER: 9385
64 - 2005 TEM Model MPF1000D 600hp Dual Mixing Pump Trailer; with (2) Detroit Diesel 665 hp Diesel Engines, Series 60, Atoka Tandem Axle Trailer, 2005, Dual Mixing/Holding Tank, (2) Mission Sand Master Mixers, (3) Fuel Tanks, (2) Stewart & Stevenson HT-750 ORD Transmissions, (2) MSI/SPM FEA0001X Pumps, 2016, 600 max hp, Operators Cab, VIN#:1A9L5412X5A245660, TAG NUMBER: 5660
65 - 1996 NITROGEN PUMPER TRAILER ; SERIAL: 23006800009086-003; on Frac Master #055 Trailer, Detroit Diesel Engine, Top & Bottom Heat Exchanger, Triplex Pump, Triplex Pump MISSING (2) COLD ENDS AND NEEDS (2) MOUNTING CLAMPS, LOX Nitrogen Tank, YEAR 1980, TAG NUMBER: 6003 BILL OF SALE ONLY THERE WILL NOT BE A TITLE FOR THIS UNIT
SOLD 67 - 2012 Total Equipment Model 3097-0012 1.25" to 2.0" x 25,000' Coiled Tubing Unit ; VIN: 1Z9SD5340CO058361; with 15,000 psi BOP, Celtic Pride S&S M100L Injector, 2018, S/N CPW-0818-104, Operators Cab, Quad-Axle Trailer, Coil Reel TE11605, S/N 3089-0086, TAG NUMBER: 8361
SOLD 69 - 2011 Total Equipment Model 4002-0018 1.25" to 2.0" x 25,000' Coiled Tubing Unit ; VIN: 1B9SD4548BF946029; with BOP, Stewart & Stevenson M100L Injector, 2011, Operators Cab, Blackstone Quad-Axle Trailer, 130,000 GVWR, Coil Reel 3089-0086, S/N TE11572, TAG NUMBER: 6029
SOLD 70 - 2011 Total Equipment Model 3097-0012 1.25" to 2.0" x 25,000' Coiled Tubing Unit ; VIN: 1B9SD4843BF946127; with BOP, Stewart & Stevenson M100L Injector, YEAR 2011, Operators Cab, Blackstone Quad-Axle Trailer, 130,000 GVWR, Coil Reel TE11574, S/N 3089-0086, TAG NUMBER: 6127
71 - 2012 Total Equipment Model TE-11574 1.25" to 2.0" x 25,000' Coiled Tubing Unit ; VIN: 1B9SD4841CF946211; with Operators Cab, Blackstone Quad-Axle Trailer, 130,000 GVWR, Coil Reel 4009-0013, S/N TE11609, Onan 8kW Diesel Generator, Model 8HDKAU-41934R TAG NUMBER: 6211
72 - 2012 Total Equipment Model 3097-0022 Coil Tubing Trailer ; VIN: 1B9SD4845CF946213; with Blackstone Quad-Axle Trailer, 130,000 GVWR, Coil Reel 3089-0086, S/N TE11502, TAG NUMBER: 6213
73 - 2012 Total Equipment Model TE-11605 1.25" to 2.0" x 25,000' Coiled Tubing Unit ; VIN: 1B9SD4843CF946212; with Operators Cab, Blackstone Quad-Axle Trailer, 130,000 GVWR, Coil Reel 3089-0086, S/N TE10472, MISSING (1) AXLE with tires & rims, TAG NUMBER: 6212
77 - 2012 Refurb Dual 1000HP Quintuplex Pump Trailer, w/ (2) Cummins QSX15, 665HP Engines (Both less than 3000 hrs. each), (2) Allison Transmissions, Includes 2 Mission C Pumps, MDT Controls, 2 Kerr Power Ends, 2 Kerr Fluid Ends, 2 Speed Gearboxes, 22 Barrel Displacement Tank. VIN #1C9LB4636CK883539
78 - 2012 Refurb Dual 1000HP Quintuplex Pump Trailer w/ (2) Cummins QSK-C, 950HP Engines (1286 hours and 1428 hours), (2) Allison 6620 Transmissions, Includes 2 Mission C Pumps, MDT Controls, 2 Kerr Power Ends, 2 Utex Fluid Ends, 2 Speed Gearboxes, 22 Barrel Displacement Tank. With $67,000 Refurb Invoice, VIN #1C9LB4623CK883635
79 - 2011 Dual 1000HP Quintuplex Pump Trailer w/ (2) Cummins QSK 950HP Engines, (2) Allison 6620 Transmissions, Includes 2 Mission C Pumps, 2 Kerr Power Ends, 2 Utex Fluid Ends, 2 Speed Gearboxes, Graco Grease System. VIN#1C9SC4532BM810911 (some slight damage to control unit wiring - Possible missing controls)
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