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2008 HRI-1000E SCR, 1,000HP Trailer-Mounted Electric Drilling Rig For Sale

No Longer Available

SCR Rig w/ Top Drive
Hydraulic Catwalk
Cost $15M New, Field Ready
Located in Odessa, TX

Call to Inspect and Buy Today!!!
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Listing Details

1000 HP Trailer Electric                              

Drilling Depth Capacity
13,000’ w/5” drill pipe

Power System
Three (3) Cat. 3512C Diesel Engines with 3 Cat. 1225 KW AC Generators and IEC SCR I Drive, 4 Bays to power Draw works, Pumps, Lighting and Hotel Load, (2) 5120 Quincy air compressors

Draw Works
HRI 1000-E Single Drum with Wichita 3-25 KKB disk brake powered by two (2) GE 761 Traction motors w/ E-brake circulating cooling system

DSI 118’ with 425,000 # SHL

Drill Line
1-1/8” EEIPS

DSI 17’ telescoping with 425,000 rotary capacity with a setback capacity of 300,000 #   15’ clear height from bottom of rotary to ground

Mud Pumps
Two (2) RS-F1600 HP pumps each powered by two (2) GE 752 Traction Motors

Top Drive
NOV TDS 10SA    250 Ton w/VFD house

AB 27-1/2” with 53-1/4” center powered by GE 752 Traction motor

Block and Hook
250 Ton American Block strung up on 10 lines

Drill Pipe
12,000 5” 19.50 PPF Grade G-105

Drill Collars
Eighteen (18) 6-1/4” to 6-1/2” OD 4-1/2 x H conn
Four (4) 7-2/4” to 8” OD 6-5/8 API REG conn
Handling subs for 6-1/2 and 8” collars

Drill collar slips and wedding bands
All applicable change over subs bottom hole subs

Annular Preventer
Townsend Type 84
11” 5,000 psi WP

Ram Preventers
Townsend Type 82
11” 5,000 psi double ram

Choke Manifold
4” x 2” 5,000 psi WP
36” x 124” Gas buster

Accumulator System
Chiles (5) station 180 gal. (Electric over hydraulic with air pump backup system) w/remote control on rig floor with tubular handling equipment box on same skid)

Mud System
Two (2) Tank 750 BBL System
Two (2) King Cobra Hybrid 4 Panel Shakers
Derrick 2 cone desander powered by 6 x5 x 11 centrifugal
Derrick 16 cone desilter powered by 6 x 5 x11 centrifugal
Drilco style degasser
80 bbl. Trip Tank

Enclosed and elevated Mixing station
Two (2) 6 x5 x11 Centrifugal mixer pumps
Two (2) Agitators in shaker pits
Two (2) Agitators in suction pits
One (1) Agitator in slugging pit

Auxiliary Equipment
NOV-Iron Roughneck Type ST 80-C
Tool Pusher and crew quarters
210 KW Caterpillar generator powered by 3406 Caterpillar engine
One 300 BBL water tank/200 BBL Fuel Tank / Lube center combo
Automatic driller
Pipe spinner
OWI Electric over hyd. Survey machine
Forum 50’ Hydraulic Catwalk with 8000 # Capacity (remote operator station on floor)
Crew change house/ parts house combo
Skidding package to move up to 150’
Suitcases for all electrical, fuel, and water lines (also has enough for skid package)
Trolley system for BOP
Martin-Decker weight indicator
(4) Pipe tubs
Separate parts/tool house with washer and dryer
Wilson Tongs (breakout and makeup) air over hydraulic
One set 10’ 250 ton links (bails)
One 250 MGG 5-1/2 bottle neck elevators
Two 8000# Braden hydraulic hoist
3 Sets Pipe racks


Listing No. 303